Making A Payment

It couldn't be easier to place an order with Here's are a few simple steps to successfully ordering with

  1. Simply browse through our website adding any products that you wish to purchase. Buy clicking 'Add to Basket' the item is added to your shopping basket.ᅠ
  2. When you've finished browsing and are ready to place your order, click on the 'My Basket' button at the top right hand side of the screen.
  3. You'll be automatically taken to your shopping basket which'll show what you've ordered, the quantity and your subtotal. If you've got a voucher code, simply enter it into the box provided and enter the 'Apply' button.
  4. Then choose your delivery country and the delivery method you'd prefer.ᅠ
  5. Next, choose your payment method.
  6. You'll need to enter your billing details (the name and address of where your card is registered).
  7. Choose whether you'd like your order delivered to your billing address or an alternative address.
  8. Re-confirm the delivery method you'd prefer.
  9. Enter your payment details.
  10. Once you're ready, click the 'Place your order' button to confirm your order.

For your convenience, we accept all major credit/debit card payments.


If there are any issues with your order, we'll immediately contact you to confirm whether you'd like to proceed, change your order or cancel and receive a full refund.

Please be aware that refunds can take up to 3 days to appear in your account.ᅠ

Note for Pre-Orders

If you are Pre-Ordering a product you will be charged at the time of checkout. How ever if you change your mind before the dispatch date you can contact us to get a full refund.