Balance Bikes

Teach your children how to balance with a balance bike. Balance bikes are training bicycles, aimed at very young children, that help teach balance and steering. There are no pedals, chains or gears on a balance bike, which enables your child to concentrate on mastering balance and steering before having to learn anything else.  Here at, you can purchase balance bikes from a number of leading brands such as Xootz.

So what is a balance bike? Well it's basically that perfect first bike for younger kids. It comes without this may sound like madness, but there's a logic. They come with a classic shaped bike seat and a lower than normal height offer the ground. This enables the youngster to be able to push themselves along with their feet and get familiar with the sense of balance on a bike (hence the name balance bike).

The big positive of choosing to get a child one, is that research shows but doing so, progression onto a full bike is generally much faster, rather than a child using a traditional bike and stabilisers. Balance bikes enable the child to matter the sense of balance, gain confidence and are less like to fall off. Balance bikes are effectively a replacement to the traditional tricycle.

When choosing the right balance bike you'll want to base your decision on a number of factors. Firstly the height, and the seat height, ideally the child should be able to put both feel on the ground but with little spare height. Secondly, pay attention to the wheel/tyre size, ideally for most kids around a 12 inch wheel is ideal to start. A tyre will obviously provide more grip so pay attention to this also. The final point is weight, a heavy bike will put a child off, being too big or clunky also. Lighter bikes also make it easier to carry for the parents. One other area to look out for is whether the balance board has steering locks, or restrictions on the handlebars, this will help stop the bars from spinning or going out of control for the child.

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