Toddler Scooters

We specialise in finding the right type toddler or young kids scooters for you. We pride ourselves on selling a wide range of young kids scooters, suited from the toddler age group up. We start with the 3 wheel toddler scooters, these have extra stability with the extra wheel to enable the rider to learn the motion of moving without having to go at any speed to keep balance when a young child puts both feet on the deck of the scooter.

For young kids aged from between 3-8, we have smaller foldable scooters. These are designed for easy transport by the child as well as light as possible, to move along or carry if you're the parent.

Finally at the top end of young kids scooters are the Fixed Mini Stunt Scooters, these are built to last. Their 1 piece deck designs and are intended for young kids that want to be like their older siblings doing jumps, grinds and spins. These can also be used for skateparks.

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